人気商品リーフ・ルーキー&スターズ・フットボール新年度版!新人選手150名ものルーキーカードが特徴!1ボックスに4枚の直筆サインorメモラビリア。 1ボックスに5枚のルーキーカード! 4 Autos or Memorabilia cards per box. 5 sequentially numbered Rookies per box. 250 card set with 100 base cards, 100 Rookies numbered to 999, and 50 SP Rookies numbered to 499. Look for Longevity RookieAutod parallels numbered to 250 and 50 or less. "Material Rookies" 20 cards numbered to 799, 100, 50, 25,10 and autod versions numbered to 100, 25, 10, and 5. "Signature Material Rookies" 11 cards numbered to 449, 25, 10, 5 and 1 of 1. "Prune Cuts" 13 cards numbered to 50 with multi swatch versions numbered to 25. "Statistical Standouts Memorabilia" 25 cards numbered to 250 or 25 with autod versions numbered to 25or 10. "Dress For Success Jerseys" numbered to 100 and 25 with an autod version numbered to 25, and aHelmet version numbered to 125. "Freshman Orientation Materials" 31 cards numbered to 125 or 25 and an autod version numbered to 25.